The Best Form of Wealth You Can Have is Good Health!
Growing up there wasn't much talk about how we would be affected later in life by the foods we eat as we age. Back then, kids didn't think too much about cancer because we did not have many people especially children that had it. I had never heard of anxiety and knew no one that suffered from it. I use to shake constantly, feel that nervous feeling and I did not know there was a medical term for that. That is one of the reasons why I got into creating baskets full of products that can ease your mind and take away some of your stress. Life is lifing and it does not stop. We don't think about how bad stress affects us on the inside. That is until someone we know has a heart attack and we are puzzled because he or she was under the age of 45. Stress kills. It is imperative that we take a moment to breathe and destress. Learn to let out things that are weighing heavy on you. Welcome to "Talk About It". There are so many issues concerning health that we as a community do not speak about enough. Here is the space where you can without judgement. Here's a tip, after a hectic day, take a shower with a shower steamer or two and just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Bring in for a count of four, hold it for a count of four, then exhale through your mouth for a count of four, then hold that for a count of four and repeat. Do about 5-10 of those while in the shower with your steamer. Let me know how you felt afterwards. 'I hope you find peace and balance in your life. Be well Beloveds. MWAH" Dani